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Arri Amira Demo

Thrilled to launch the New Year with this demo shot on my new Arri Amira. This was the first time I've had the opportunity to put the new rig to the test and a recent trip to Tofino was just the ticket. I wanted to see what the camera could achieve with a one-person crew and 24 hours of spontaneous, un-controlled action. I'm entirely impressed with how easy the camera was to operate in a variety of environments and how well the image quality stood up. The best thing about this camera is it makes me excited to shoot ANYTHING! I've never had more fun operating and the creative options are limitless. Shot in ProRes 422 HQ, with a Canon 17 - 120 PL and Canon 70 - 200 EF. Mostly graded in camera using ARRI LUTS. Couldn't be more simple. Many thanks to Vancouver-based Dralms and Rob Calder at Boompa for providing the soundtrack. Many thanks to my friends and family in Tofino, BC for providing some awesome talent and a killer locale. Here's to a New Year full of creativity, adventure and documentary goodness. Password: tofcity Cheers!

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